Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Christian Understanding Of The Human Person Essay

The Christian understanding of the human person is the relationship man has with creation, man has with man and the dignity of the human person, as well as the relationship man has with God. These relationships interrelate and form who the human is and how they are in their life with God. The Laudato Si letter highlights that these are the bases for the human person. â€Å"Human life is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships: with God, with our neighbour and with the earth itself.† Creation is humans, animals, and nature. It is the past, the future and now. All that has been made by God through love. The earth and all that inhabits it, the animals plants and between. Creation is the living plan of God. To Christians, this is the plan outline of life, it is the way God wants us to live, the way we should behave and treat others. Man needs to have a relationship with others. Gaudium Et Spes talks about the relationships man has with others, the relationship with women and with God. Genesis 2:22- 24 references the importance of these relationships; they are made of each other. They are one â€Å"The man said, â€Å"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.† Dignity is a major part of the human person to Christians. This dignity is part of the connection man has to God. Dignity of the human person is how they relate to others, how they relate to God and how they relate to themselves. LaudatoShow MoreRelatedThe Five Principle Beliefs Of Christianity1642 Words   |  7 PagesOUTLINE THE FIVE PRINCIPLE BELIEFS OF CHRISTIANITY The principle beliefs associated with Christianity exuberate the understanding of life for its adherents, whilst perpetrating an influence on society. This therefore allows for the comprehension of sacred texts and its cohesive meaning on an entity. 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