Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Appleyrad essays

Appleyrad essays At the beginning of the novel, Joan Lindsay reveals Mrs. Appleyard as an Experience woman, strong mined, respectable, reliable, seen to have control of everything, etc. She had all it was expected to be a English Headmistress. Thought the novel we can see that Mrs. Appleyard changes drastically (physical and emotional deterioration)-character development-, this is caused because of the mysterious happenings at hanging rock. The consequences of this event causes the college to loss reliability, the parents, tutors of the girls that were in this school wanted them out because they were afraid of what could happen to them of they stayed. Mrs. Appleyard tried to control the situation but she couldn't it was all ready out of her hands. The press is an important factors for the school deterioration, the press fueled the flame of gossip and rumored horrors. This nightmare remained and would not be exorcised by a sleeping pill, nor a glass of bandy This sentence means that the problem couldn't be solved easily and would follow her for the rest of her life. Other important draw back that take Mrs. Appleyard to her total deterioration is the problems with the staff of the school. Almost all the personal is resigning for many reasons. In the case on Miss Valange, she was sick of Mrs. Appleyard using Sara as her escape goat. In the case of Dora Lumley she left the school because she sad the school ruined her prestige . Minne and tom were getting married and Madame also . Other important draw back are the girls that are living the school. Irma, Miranda, Marion were the main school financial support, and none of them were coming back to school. The headmistress was very affected because of this. All her anger and depression was delivered to a particular student, Sara Wayboure. Sara was miss Appleyard escape goat Stand up straight and listen to me since you can give me no help I s...

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